Friday, September 28, 2012

aloha friday comin' atcha!

i kinda wanna be right there, right now, all day. you too??
so most of yesterday was spent with me thinking it was friday. i do that a lot. it's a sucky sucky moment when your entire world comes crashing down all around you as you realize no, no in fact it isn't friday-close, but no cigar. 
its thursday. 
well, at least it wasn't wednesday right?? 
gotta find that silver lining!
this was a busy week with all kinds of good stuffs!!!
-the biggest little started her SAT classes. these are gonna make her all kinds of smart, prepared "almost" college girl. she probably won't leave my house because you see umbilical cords dont really stretch all that far but we are workin' on it.
keala with victoria the on set teacher. this is a perk of having kids on set- a teacher to help them!!
-spent 3 days filming for our show- you can read about the excitement here!!
exhausting work! you wouldn't think it but for me, just having to do my hair and make up and stand up straight is really like tough work. oh, and i had to wear heels, i wasn't my usual barefoot self for 3 whole days! 3 days!! 
car cam-this can be tricky coz you have to remember to keep your road rage down to a dull roar
-the littlest little had a great soccer game and wasabi girls won. yeah! i pretty much stayed in my seat most of the game. whose proud of me??? huh? 
-the dawgs won against stanford last night! yea!!! they said they wouldn't win. they said they had no chance. they underestimated the men in purple. they shouldn't do that.
-might be planning to see a few of my fav northwest peeps in the next month or so.
-no, shane is not completely sold on being bill to my sookie for halloween but im still workin on it and it may be looking up.
-i am also still working shane on my pet pot bellied pig. i have good feelings....
i mean come on! its a hawaiian pig!
-it's aloha friday, no work til monday...nuf said!
-oh, as a special treat that will make you feel like you truly are the best mom on earth, today i leave with with one of my favorite moments from a toddlers and tiara's mom.

spread the aloha today y'all!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

aloha friday and my month on instagram

can't tell ya how much i need this aloha friday.
its been a heckuva week and i am so ready for a lil aloha!

do something good with your day and spread your aloha!

my month on instagram......
new meaning to "hair bow"
why you ask? why not?!
front porch kinda afternoon
found on the floor by my computer. think its important?

what we do when its 103 degrees
lotus chandelier in the afternoon sun
hollywood tourists. taking their photos-it confuses them...
nervous little girl about to get a shot
because the dawgs need all the help in the world
new scarf from a new friend

wishin' hard

never enough time
lil mama after her goal
bouncing ponies
look! an aloha leaf!
wasn't me
unexpected aloha from a sweet friend

lovely friend
done lots of this all month
try it-it's comfy
what? you dont eat basil for breakfast?
makin pretty pottery in laguna

it's a sunny kinda rain


have a great day and week-end!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

aloha friday

you know what to do!
grab a lei and fasten your coconut cup bra coz we gots aloha'in to do!

tomorrow is my littlest little's first soccer game of the season. im promising myself that i will cheer quietly this year and stay in my seat. mama gets a lil ' hoping there won't be any cleats to the face like last season.

its also football season. the dawgs are playing saturday, gonna go hang with some good friends and watch them win. please keep fingers crossed for our u.w. huskies.

im hosting my first giveaway for local sugar hawaii which started yesterday. one of my favorite bloggers opened up an etsy shop and is giving a super generous gift of an infinity scarf plus an item of your choice up to $75 bucks. you should probably go sign up-it's freeeeeeeee!

this week went by really fast- probably because i was insanely busy and lost my mind a few times but whateva makes the week fly right?

i hosted a live radio show with my brother yesterday. our guest was the adorable and talented gregory metcalf. i just loves him. if you wanna listen to it you can find it here:
radio show

i got past the ice world on mario bros playing with 2 of the littles. of course this made the list.
have you ever played that game? have you played in the ice world? you slip and slide and fall into the icy waters and the jingle bell music slowly makes you mad. completing this is aloha worthy for dang sure!