Friday, April 27, 2012

-me getting another unexpected new client which means this siri chick that resides in my phone and is suppose to keep me reminded and organized betta get her game on!

-remembering i had 4 packs of skinny cows in the freezer but only polishing off 2 packs....yep, more of that awesome restraint.

-finding lemon pudding at target after asking bestie to go buy and ship me lots of boxes.
what the !!!
i have looked in every grocery store from L.A. to the valley for this stuff for years!!! God loves target. i'm convinced.

-remembering a great story with the kids: trying to make a good impression on a new friend with my family when one of my kids blurts out, "hey we should all play quarters"......silence......i quickly try to recover the fumble, "oh, we play with water of course"....still doesn't sound right. yep, vote for me, raising kids since '95!!

-winning a hula hoop contest -boom! know this: mama still gots it and she WILL bring it!

-setting a trip to glenn ivy hotsprings with my bestie and my favorite cali girl. this has become a yearly tradition and we have the best time! why? coz friends and mud are like pb&j-goes together without question!

Have a great week-end y'all!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

yep it's that time. aloha friday-no work til monday....

aloha friday song- sing it loud people!!

awesome high points:

-my sons teacher telling me whatever i'm doing i am doing it right and thanking me for my "fine young man". lump in throat.

-me not throwing my arms around my son's teacher and hugging him (for 5 seconds of course) coz this would have literally killed my son with embarrassment. check that restraint!

-getting back into the habit of drinking lots and lots of H2Omy this is good with lemons and cucumbers -(thanks shane for making my special spa water)

-having an awesome anni dinner with just shane. that's all. just shane.

-taking a nap with my oldest daughter on her "way more comfy than my bed" bed sunday. naps just don't happen in my world.

-walking around the grocery store for 20 minutes before i realize that not only my top button on my shirt is open but the button below it decided to open on up as well...i mean, it's not a party unless you wore the silver sparkle bra which, thankfully for all the grocery shoppers, i suuuuuure diiiid! i, uh, i will just go ahead and put my shirt back on here and leave my cart in aisle 4 and come back later....huge walk of shame to the doors! (actually, this has nothing awesome about it)

-getting the "whoa, what" shocked face when my daughter calls me mom and the lady next to us is like, "wait you are her mom? i thought you were her friend!" oh yeeah, uh-huh, feelin' good, thasss right (yep, i am cabbage patching right now).

-opening an email that says "tickets booked" and knowing your bestie is on her way and life just got super happy today!

 the girl on the left is coming to see me the girl on the right is trying to find a way. sadly the cover band behind behind us is not coming but that would rock if they did (literally)

Friday, April 13, 2012

sooooo, this week was nutso.

i had another install of ridiculous proportions along with all other kinds of crazy mixed into my week. at one point i just found my inner courtney love and went with the whole, "what, whatchoo lookin' at- i was born crazy"......kinda works, got me through...

even though it was crazy i had things that were awesome:

-my install looks amazing- i will post pics soon

-i figured out how to do the sock bun (successfully-not the kind that looks like a birds nest on mah head)

-i found the original popcorn chip at -they are at gelsons but i will spar for them if i have to so leave a bag or 4 for me. i have surprising strength.

-i made it through not just 1 but 2 trips to IKEA which falls at number 3 for my least favorite places to be. in case you are wondering the dentist is first and the DMV is second. it was really touch and go there for a few minutes. aisle 21, bin 8000 wasn't workin' for me and those yellow shirts are nowhere to be found when you need them. with 1 minor melt down and a yogurt cone for my good behavior from my brother i made it through....

-i ate my weight in deviled eggs on easter- this is awesome because i also had access to chocolate bunnies. it could have been ugly....

-i have stepped into 2012. i did it. i kicked, i screamed but i'm here and the proud owner of a new iphone. this is huge for me. i still don't know what to do with it other than answer it, call out and text but expect some really fly pics soon from me coz i gots apps!!

and because no blog is as good without a fun pic- i will leave you with this photo of a neighbors dog that deep down really wants me to throw her ball when i see her but shakes her head around when i get my hand close....this pic is what i imagined i looked like this week....

happy aloha friday-have a great week-end!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

awesome things about my week:

-we went to the farmers market aka: parking lot displays of other people's crap. we seem to think this crap is awesome and that we must take home right away to add to our other crap. crap breeds crap.

-at the suggestion of my friend nicki i made a bleach tee about my 5 second hugs. my oldest claims i am ruining her life with this tee. who knew i had such powa'?? oooooh, that will be my next tee.

-thanking my lucky stars that my kids are old enough to not throw a tantrum in public. not that they ever really did (have you seen their dad?)
i watched a real award-winning performance this week, the kid looked like he was breakdancin on the floor. it was kinda a talent. the mom asked if i wanted him. not even for free honey..... now be gone with that limber lad!

-totally got people good on april fools day. i got mad foolin skills. the planning for next year has already begun.

-awesome trip to the dentist for the kids-no cavities. once we paid the dentists mortgage now we laugh in the face of his toof drilling tools. he used to like us.

-doing our taxes and shane finds a shell station receipt for $60 from his fundraising trip up to washington and hands it over thinking it's for gas. accountant is like, "uhhhh, this is from the shell station but it's actually for $60 worth of beer". sixty dollars worth of beer?? that's my boy!